I have an eeepc 700 that is collecting dust and I'm thinking on turning it into a wireless router. WPA is kind of a requirement.
I'm looking for the
easiest/quickest way of doing just that. By easiest I mean with less effort, not with the least technical knowledge requirements.
Acording on this
http://doc.m0n0.ch/quickstartpc/setup-installing.htmlInstallation is as simple as dumping an image into the hard drive with dd, one command. Is it really that simple?
Does anyone knows if eeepc wireless hardware is supported out of the box? It's an atheros chip, it's rather common AFAIK.
Does monowall comes with wpa support?
I might want to run a torrent client in it but that is not a main concern at all, if I can't do that for whatever reason I don't really mind. My main goal is having a router with WPA security.