I believe You're looking for this:
http://doc.m0n0.ch/handbook/faq-hiddenopts.htmlThere is explanation on the location of injecting additional XML tags and data inside them, within the config file manually by using a text editor.
system/earlyshellcmd and system/shellcmd
may contain a shell command that is executed before the boot scripts actually start setting up the system (for earlyshellcmd), or after the boot scripts have finished setting up the system (for shellcmd). You can have multiple (early)shellcmd tags. Don't forget to replace special characters with their XML equivalents (most notably < and > (< and >).
So it would be:
Or in Your case i suppose:
<shellcmd>sysctl dev.ath.1.slottime=52</shellcmd>
<shellcmd>sysctl dev.ath.1.acktimeout=107</shellcmd>
<shellcmd>sysctl dev.ath.1.ctstimeout=107</shellcmd>
Be very careful when editing directly the config file, and always keep a clean backup before You try to do anything.