Hi all.
I just setup m0n0wall the other day, and I love it. When the connection is up and going, it works GREAT. The problem I have is since I've set it up, my connection eriodically drops until I log into the m0n0wall web interface. The interval ranges anywhere from 5-10 minutes up to ~2-3 hours
m0n0wall is running with a CD/floppy combo for the moment (I will be reburning my config.xml to the iso and using it strictly as a live CD once I straighten everything else out). The machine specs are:
p3 1gHz 256mb ram Lan NIC 3com (not sure of exact part #) WAN NIC is an unknown brand
I've read here before than crappy NIC's will cause alot of performance problems, however, I only have 3mbit DSL, and I cap out my connection at about 2.75mbit (according to SBC/AT&T that's actually good) which is up from 2.5 mbit prior to the m0n0wall, so performance through it isn't the problem.
Physically, here is my setup:
DSL modem (speedstream 4100) - > unknown NIC in m0n0wall (will be replaced as soon as I find my missing spare NIC) link is @ 100mbit full duplex (note: my DSL modem has my username/pass stored in it, so the m0n0wall accepts a connection via DHCP)
3Com NIC in m0n0wall - > linksys wrt54g rev5 router on port #4 (linksys is acting as a switch only) with 100mbit full duplex link
3 of my machines are cabled to the linksys with 100mbit link (ports 1-3), a 4th is wireless (using 802.11g) and yes, my wireless network is secured (no ssid boradcast, mac filter, wpa key)
At first I thought it was the DHCP lease time causing the issue, but all machines on my lan are static, and since I'm not using the router as a router, only a switch
The mem usage on the m0n0wall sits at about 22%, and the cpu usage has never broken 10%.
I am guessing the problem probably starts with the linksys, since it's a certified POS, but I'm looking for a 2nd opinion before I run out to buy a real switch when I missed something stupid in the firewall config.