I have setup 3 nic interfaces on a pc, WAN LAN and OPT1
With OPT1 I wish this to be bridged to WAN. I have tried following the example but nothing seems to help me to make it work.
I have turned OFF, Filtered Briding and It doesn't seem to help.
From my OPT1 interface which is bridged, I can ping the server using its WAN IP as expected.
However I cant ping the gateway on the WAN interface?
Monowall's WAN is configured on a.b.c.254/24 with gateway a.b.c.1
My test PC is setup on a.b.c.100/24 with gateway a.b.c.1 also
Monowall can ping the gateway and the outside world, but the pc on the bridged network cannot?
Why can my pc still ping monowall if the bridge isn't right?
Any advice appriciated very much.