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Topic: IP Transparency & Multiple IP Blocks  (Read 2443 times)
« on: March 23, 2007, 02:18:20 »
marco114 *
Posts: 1

I don't know a lot of Firewall lingo, but I currently use a SonicWall Pro 1260 and I get quite tired of paying the fees associated with it all the time. One feature I do like is "Transparent Mode" that allows servers behind the Firewall to use Public IP addresses. I still want to protect those servers with Port Blocking and Traffic Shaping, etc. I just can't use private IP addresses for this purpose. This would be used at a co-location facility where I have about 30 servers on a 10Meg connection. I'd likely use a medium-end dell server for the firewall to handle performance.

The other feature I need is that I have multiple public subnets that I need to attach to the WAN interface and route internally. (I have 2 Full Class-C address spaces that are on different subnets). Is this easily accomplished?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 04:09:38 »
clarknova ***
Posts: 148

I guess that would depend on your definition of easy, but yes, these features are all supported and somewhat documented.
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