I run a m0n0wall since about 2 years and I am a big fan of it. However I badly miss a feature which is a realtime connection monitor of ingoing and outgoing connections. I found a software called Fireplotter, which I would be very happy to be able to use:
http://www.fireplotter.comFirePlotter is a real-time session monitor or connection monitor for your Cisco or FortiNet firewall. Click to see a 3 minute FirePlotter Demonstration here
http://www.fireplotter.com/FPDemo/FPDemo.htmlMy question: is there any way to make m0n0wall somehow compatible with Fireplotter, .i.e. providing a gateway to act like a "Cisco PIX/ASA" Firewall or a "FortiNet FortiGate" Firewall?
Or is there any alternative for windows based PCs with features like Fireplotter?