Hi guys...
I know the instalation is very straight forward, but Im having trouble with my LAN side of m0n0wall.
Im using v1.23, and booting from a cdrom. No problems booting, my 2 ethernet cards are detected as dc0 and rl0. I assign dc0 as my LAN and rl0 as my WAN(and I have done it the other way). But the problem is that I cannot ping the LAN interface; therefore, I cannot go ahead and enter the GUI! I have tried diferent ethernet cards and it simply won't give out IPs using DHCP or I just can't ping or wichever IP I assign to the LAN interface. Of course I am on the same subnet when I try to access the GUI, or if I use DHCP it won't give me an address. It is like the LAN int. is always death, even though it is recognized (I do get a link light). In m0n0wall I can ping myself at, but not something else.
It's driving me crazy...suggestions?
Thanks in advance