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Topic: LAN - WLAN bridge problem  (Read 4268 times)
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:49:30 »
jema *
Posts: 4


m0n0wall version(s) that you use: 1.3.15b

hardware details (type/make of NICs etc.):
Via EPIA SN1000EG ( 1x VIA VT6103L 10/100Mbps Ethernet PHY + 1 x VIA VT6130 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller)
2GB RAM Corsair PC6400
Sony CF 4GB
Wistron CM9 WiFi adaptor

§ software versions of other components that may be relevant to your problem (browser, operating system, etc.): Google Chrome, IE, FireFox, Safari
§ all the steps needed to reproduce the problem:

Shaping the Wireless interface as a hostrap, bridging to both LAN or WAN with the same result, WPA2 encryption, 802.11b, all other settings "standard".

When connecting via WLAN, the client gets correct IP-adress and seems to be connected properly, but when trying to reach LAN or WAN nothing happens. Can't traceroute, can't ping (not even local).

« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 09:42:44 »
Freman *
Posts: 4

I am able to reproduce this behaviour with one exception - I can ping devices on my lan.

m0n0wall version(s) that you use: 1.3.15b

Hardware details:
Wrap 1.c (I think, three network ports, one mini-pci)
CM9 WiFi adapter (Atheros chipset)

Setup details
Assigned interfaces as follows -
  • LAN: sis0 (natsemi)
  • WAN: sis2 (natsemi)
  • OPT1: ath0 (Atheros 5212)

Lan: configured for ip address (long story)
Wan: configured to use PPPoE - Not configured to filter private IP addresses.
  • Bridge with: LAN
  • Standard: 802.11g
  • Mode: hostap
  • SSID: Foobar (unhidden)
  • Channel: 1
  • WPA:
    • Mode: PSK
    • Version: WPA Only
    • Cipher: AES/CCMP

No other firewall rules configured.

My laptop can ping it's self (, and it can ping devices on the lan (,, but it can't ping
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2009, 09:56:53 »
jema *
Posts: 4

I solved my problem by buying an external NIC-card, in this case I choose Intel PRO/1000 PT Quad, everything works now, when I don't use onboard NIC's...
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 10:23:30 »
Freman *
Posts: 4

Yeh nah, can't do that with mine - I was running a hand rolled gentoo before this but that CF card has died and I'm way to busy to build a new one from scratch so I'm trying to make this work.
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2009, 12:43:08 »
Freman *
Posts: 4

So does anyone else at all have any idea what might be going on?

Is there something I can export that'll help with diagnosis?

I found the status.php - here's the output
« Last Edit: January 17, 2009, 03:19:59 by Freman »
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2009, 10:28:30 »
cmb *****
Posts: 851

See here:,3046.0.html#msg9805

for anyone that may run across this thread in the future.
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