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Topic: FreeBSD 8  (Read 2555 times)
« on: February 07, 2011, 18:28:25 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

If I have inferred several scattered posts correctly (and the freebsd8 branch in the SVN repository), upgrading m0n0wall to FreeBSD 8 is currently being worked on.  Is there any timeframe for when a (possibly beta) version will be released?  I understand that this is probably a major undertaking and is a months long project, but I have no clue where in that process m0n0wall currently is.

Features that can't be implemented due to support only being in FreeBSD 8 are starting to pile up.  I've found these so far by doing a forum search:
I'm not trying to request all of these features - just making a list of some of the posts that mention FreeBSD 8 as being a requirement to do.
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 02:35:28 »
brushedmoss ****
Posts: 446

I started some work on freebsd 8 and haven't done much from the initial work some months back.

It's on my todo list, specifically to address the ipv6 VPN support problem, and it will probably also fix traffic shaper not supporting ipv6.  

However, some of the challenges I face are;

1) Time , my daily paid job has become very challenging and spills into my post employment hours !
2) Time , very young third child !
3) Build script, there isn't a simple magic build-m0n0wall script, there should be and this would be an important step
4) Porting Patches and fixes (ipfilter has been patched along with kernel and syslog and other pieces that need to be retested against 8 )
5) Time, any m0n0wall time I get, is going into fixing problems/bugs, and expanding ipv6 capability.  When dhcp-pd and slaac are working, then freebsd 8 is probably next so I can continue ipv6 support for VPN, traffic shaper and captive portal.  6RD is also on my radar screen .

MK may be luckier than me for time, but looking at his commits and builds for 1.33b2 etc, there are fixes still coming in for 1.3x on freebsd 6.  

Of course, all help is welcome :-)

I hope to get some time this summer to get a build script and freebsd 8 under way if I can.  FreeBSD 8's support of 3g data cards is a feature I have a personal interest in and works extremely well under pfsense 2.0 thanks to that teams work.

Hopefully that fills some of the information gaps ?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2011, 04:13:39 »
iridris ***
Posts: 145

That's plenty of information, thanks! I won't bother waiting for a release based on freebsd 8 until Q4 2011 or Q1 2012 then.

Maybe I'll attempt to build m0n0wall myself and see if I can get anywhere with that.
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