I edited the config file to use the correct driver hd44780 and connectiontype=lcd2usb made a new tar archive, rebooted m0n0wall and did these steps:
1) Goto http://[m0n0wall.IP]/exec.php
2) Upload lcdd.tar
3) cd /tmp; tar -xvf /tmp/lcdd.tar; ls -alp /tmp/
4) cd /lib; ln -s libc.so.7 libc.so.6; ln -s libkvm.so.5 libkvm.so.3; ln -s libkvm.so.5 libkvm.so.4
5) mkdir -p /usr/local/share/lcdd/drivers/
6) cp /tmp/lcdd/drivers/* /usr/local/share/lcdd/drivers/
7) /tmp/lcdd/LCDd -r 0 -c /tmp/lcdd/LCDd.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &
/tmp/lcdd/lcdproc C M S &
I now get this message:
$ /tmp/lcdd/lcdproc C M S &
sock_connect: connect failed
Error connecting to LCD server on port 13666.
Check to see that the server is running and operating normally.
Tried top but can't see LCDd running
Added the hd44780.so driver but same result.
Replaced the old binarys from ones from the freebsd 8.2 ports but still same error message complaining that the server is not running.